“A good day for democracy” or a “reckless decision”: Industry reacts to watershed PHH-CFPB ruling | 2016-10-11 | HousingWire

While it’s too early to know the full impact of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s decision to rule the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional and vacate a $103 million fine against mortgage lender PHH, opinions from all sides are pouring in on just what the court’s decision could mean for housing and for the financial services industry as a whole. In a statement, a CFPB spokesperson says that the agency “respectfully disagrees” with court’s ruling. . . .

Source: “A good day for democracy” or a “reckless decision”: Industry reacts to watershed PHH-CFPB ruling | 2016-10-11 | HousingWire