Tag Archives: title insurance

Social media blueprint for title professionals | News | The Legal Description

Title professionals know social media is out there and most know they should be utilizing it in some way to benefit their business and their customer relations. But how and with what goal? With so many options and no plan to incorporate it into daily business operations, one could easily get lost in the online world of posting, liking, following, endorsing, commenting, blogging and tweeting.On Thursday, Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. ET, The Title Report and sponsor North American Title Insurance Co. are offering an exclusive 90-minute webinar, Social Media 2.0: Your Blueprint for Online Marketing Success, to train title insurance professionals on how to take their social marketing to the next level. Two social media experts will instruct on the social sites title professionals should be using, their practical applications and how to effectively build trust among clients to form stronger business relations.

via Social media blueprint for title professionals | News | The Legal Description.

White House reports on recommended incentives for adopting cybersecurity framework – Lexology

The White House recently issued a report outlining potential incentives that may be available to companies that adopt the voluntary cybersecurity framework currently being developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology the “Framework”. Both the incentives program and the Framework are being developed pursuant to the February executive order aimed at improving the cybersecurity of America’s critical infrastructure

via White House reports on recommended incentives for adopting cybersecurity framework – Lexology.