Tag Archives: title insurance

Email Encryption Solution from Learntitle

ALTA Best Practices says we need secure email. Learntitle has partnered with SecureMail to bring you a simple encrypted email solution. Check out the details below.
SecureMailHeaderSimple Secure Email for the Desktop is a service that protects all important information flowing between you, your business partners, and your clients. At the same time, it ID-10052742makes life easier for everyone. From the moment you hit the “Send Secure” button, until your mail is delivered, sensitive messages and files are fully protected. It’s simple. It’s fast. It’s smart.SecureMail is perfect for organizations of all sizes.Compliance without Complication

Secure email is a legal requirement for those who must comply with ALTA Best Practices. With SecureMail, compliance is achieved without complication. It protects all of your sensitive messages with compliance-grade encryption (FIPS 140-2), and it gives customers assurance that their private information is being handled with care. Messages and files are secured with one-click and with instant confirmation when they have arrived safely. Replies are securely delivered to your inbox and unencrypted automatically, ready to read without additional steps. For those that prefer a portal, local language is automatically detected. And, because it works with popular email clients such as Outlook, it’s intuitive for senders and recipients, and can be up and running in minutes with no outside IT support. SecureMail makes good business sense.

Better Customer Service and Lower Costs

SecureMail improves response time and saves money. Your customers no longer have to wait for the mail to get passwords and other sensitive information. And, communications don’t stop when people are on the move. SecureMail works just as effectively with mobile devices. Since SecureMail provides confidential delivery with confirmed receipt, it replaces costly faxes, printing, postage, and courier services providing you with a greener and less expensive alternative.

SecureMail helps you meet all types of regulatory complianceclip_image003

  • Easy to use service encrypts selected email messages
  • Intuitive “Send Secure” Outlook button
  • Replies are automatically decrypted into your inbox
  • Handles document and file attachments up to 100MB (expandable to 2GB)
  • Nothing to install for recipients
  • Recipient initiated secure messaging
  • Works natively on iPhone and other mobile devices
  • Built-in tracking of all messages and files sent, received, and opened
  • Portal localized in eight languages including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese
  • No additional hardware or infrastructure needed


  • Minimize exposure to regulatory violations, litigation, and penalties
  • Private, trusted, secure communication with your customers and partners
  • Cut costs of faxes, printing, postage, and courier services
  • Proof that recipients opened your messages
  • Up and running with little to no end user training



  • Industry standard encryption: AES-256, SSL, TLS
  • Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome & Opera Support
  • Outlook 2007/2010/2013 support
  • Integrates with Office 365 and Google AppsTM Service
  • Native support on iPhone, android and other mobile devices
  • Integrates with Citrix
  • 100 MB default message size
  • 500 MB default mailbox size
  • 30 day default message expiration (upgradable)
  • SSAE 16, SAS 70 Type II Certified Data Center


Contact:  Learntitle.com, LLC – art@learntitle.com

ALTA Best Practice CE course

Streamline logo

Stephanie Fullerton of Streamline Consulting discusses the 7 Pillars of ALTA Best Practices. Not only is each Best Practice defined but an explanation is included that gives the reasoning behind it. Steps for implementation and the cerification process are also discussed. Below is a brief outline.

This course has been approved in several states now. Most recently in Pennsylvania. Choose your state below to enroll

  • Overview   
    • ALTA
    • 7 Best Practices of Best Practices

    Best Practice #1    

    • Best Practice 1: Licensing
    • ALTA’s Policy Forms Licensing Requirement

    Best Practice #2    

    • Best Practice #2: Escrow Trust Accounting
    • Best Practice #2: Steps to Compliance

    Best Practice #3    

    • Best Practice #3: Protecting NPI
    • Best Practice #3: Steps to Compliance

    Best Practice #4    

    • Best Practice #4: Settlement Processes
    • Best Practice #4: Recording Procedures
    • Best Practice # 4:Pricing Procedure

    Best Practice #5    

    • Best Practice #5: Policy Production

    Best Practice #6    

    • Best Practice #6: Insurance Coverage

    Best Practice #7    

    • Best Practice #7: Consumer Complaints


    • Implementing


    • Assessment Procedures
    • Assessment Preparation Workbook


    • Certification Package
    • Certification Package Part 1
    • Certification Package: Part 2


This course has been approved in several states now. Most recently in Pennsylvania. Choose your state below to enroll

Streamline Consulting, LLC was founded in 2004, born naturally, based on the experience of its founders and a need within the industry for bridging gaps between software and title and insurance functionality. Streamline became an effective, non-biased and neutral third-party, to help make decisions, implement policies and procedures and in utilizing production software to its fullest capacity; all of which needed to be specific to the individual/respective organization.

We take the human resource and the title/escrow capabilities contained within client offices and apply them to the software to bring out the greatest utility in both. Streamline Consulting has team members and resources that focus on documents, reporting, system setup, project management solutions, data conversions, remote or on-site training and implementations, as needed. We function as the main software administrator for many of our clients, by working hand in hand with the client and applying workflow goals and management parameters to customize the software to meet your needs. Communication is not limited to just management. By sitting with client staff, we draw out the reality about how they actually spend their time, what applications they are using, how they use the production software and also work around inefficiencies.

This full bodied engagement is not necessary for everyone. Streamline is also equipped to work with clients on individual projects on an as needed basis. In addition to these professional capabilities, Streamline team members genuinely enjoy taking part in adding value to the client organization which is why we consider ourselves to be your Value Added Partner. We believe every company deserves the opportunity to shine regardless of its size and that in order to be successful, you must empower those around you to be the same. Streamline prides itself on providing innovative solutions, alternatives and opportunities for real estate title insurance companies nationally.

This course has been approved in several states now. Most recently in Pennsylvania. Choose your state below to enroll

Financial Fraud in the Title Industry course approved in New Jersey

Learntitle has another course approved for 1 credit.

Click Here to Enroll
This course will cover:

  • ALTA Best Practice #2
  • Various types of Fraud
    • How to detect it
    • How to prevent it
    • Internal Fraud
    • External Fraud
  • Why ALTA Best Practice compliance is important
  • Phishing

Click Here to Enroll

Presenter is Tracy Milanese

Vice President, Relationship Manager at Access National Bank

Tracy joined Access National Bank in 2012 as a Vice President, Relationship Manager. She has 10 years of
experience in the banking industry. With Access National Bank, Tracy is responsible for business development and
relationship management of title companies as well as other types of small businesses, including medical
practitioners and veterinarians.

Tracy is involved with various associations such as VLTA, the Practice Managers
Association, the Bull Run Rotary Club, the Prince William Chamber of Commerce, and the Prince William affiliate
of Habitat for Humanity.