Tag Archives: title insurance office

RESPA Rules on Agents

This article is a good summary what you need to ask yourself if there is a chance of a RESPA violation.  The article comes from Raealtor Mag

A home sale cannot be conditioned on the use of a specific title insurance company. Violators can face stiff penalties.
It’s not unusual for a listing agent to have a favorite closing agent and want the buyer to close the transaction using that agent, along with the agent’s title insurance and settlement services. What many practitioners don’t realize, however, is that Section 9 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act prohibits sellers from conditioning the home sale on the use of a specific title insurance company, and in fact violators can be subject to penalties, with the most -typical being a fine of up to three times the amount of the title insurance fee.


Subject Matter Experts needed for Continuing Education Courses

I am looking for a subject matter expert that can help to develop a title continuing education course about agency risk management.  Given the inevitable enforcement of the CFPB to look at how lending institutions monitor their vendors(read title agencies) title agents will need to know what is required in order to be in compliance.

Learntitle is approved in several states so the course will have wide appeal.  Compensation will be a portion of the enrollment fee.

If you are interested, please contact me by responding to this post or sending me an email at art@learntitle.com.

