Tag Archives: title insurance continuing education

Email Encryption Solution from Learntitle

ALTA Best Practices says we need secure email. Learntitle has partnered with SecureMail to bring you a simple encrypted email solution. Check out the details below.
SecureMailHeaderSimple Secure Email for the Desktop is a service that protects all important information flowing between you, your business partners, and your clients. At the same time, it ID-10052742makes life easier for everyone. From the moment you hit the “Send Secure” button, until your mail is delivered, sensitive messages and files are fully protected. It’s simple. It’s fast. It’s smart.SecureMail is perfect for organizations of all sizes.Compliance without Complication

Secure email is a legal requirement for those who must comply with ALTA Best Practices. With SecureMail, compliance is achieved without complication. It protects all of your sensitive messages with compliance-grade encryption (FIPS 140-2), and it gives customers assurance that their private information is being handled with care. Messages and files are secured with one-click and with instant confirmation when they have arrived safely. Replies are securely delivered to your inbox and unencrypted automatically, ready to read without additional steps. For those that prefer a portal, local language is automatically detected. And, because it works with popular email clients such as Outlook, it’s intuitive for senders and recipients, and can be up and running in minutes with no outside IT support. SecureMail makes good business sense.

Better Customer Service and Lower Costs

SecureMail improves response time and saves money. Your customers no longer have to wait for the mail to get passwords and other sensitive information. And, communications don’t stop when people are on the move. SecureMail works just as effectively with mobile devices. Since SecureMail provides confidential delivery with confirmed receipt, it replaces costly faxes, printing, postage, and courier services providing you with a greener and less expensive alternative.

SecureMail helps you meet all types of regulatory complianceclip_image003

  • Easy to use service encrypts selected email messages
  • Intuitive “Send Secure” Outlook button
  • Replies are automatically decrypted into your inbox
  • Handles document and file attachments up to 100MB (expandable to 2GB)
  • Nothing to install for recipients
  • Recipient initiated secure messaging
  • Works natively on iPhone and other mobile devices
  • Built-in tracking of all messages and files sent, received, and opened
  • Portal localized in eight languages including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese
  • No additional hardware or infrastructure needed


  • Minimize exposure to regulatory violations, litigation, and penalties
  • Private, trusted, secure communication with your customers and partners
  • Cut costs of faxes, printing, postage, and courier services
  • Proof that recipients opened your messages
  • Up and running with little to no end user training



  • Industry standard encryption: AES-256, SSL, TLS
  • Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome & Opera Support
  • Outlook 2007/2010/2013 support
  • Integrates with Office 365 and Google AppsTM Service
  • Native support on iPhone, android and other mobile devices
  • Integrates with Citrix
  • 100 MB default message size
  • 500 MB default mailbox size
  • 30 day default message expiration (upgradable)
  • SSAE 16, SAS 70 Type II Certified Data Center


Contact:  Learntitle.com, LLC – art@learntitle.com

MERS, The Core Concepts course available on Learntitle

Mike SkalkaMichael B. Skalka
Executive Vice President

This course is approved in each state in the drop down list below. Select your state to enroll in the course approved in your state.

MERS operates an electronic registry, the MERS® System, for tracking servicing rights and beneficial ownership interests in residential mortgage loans, and MERS® Commercial for the commercial mortgage‐backed securities (CMBS) and multifamily marketplace

About the Presenter

In April 2012, Mike Skalka relocated to Virginia to join MERSCORP Holdings, Inc., parent company of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS), as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. He also serves as Corporate Secretary for MERSCORP Holdings and MERS. MERSCORP Holdings, which operates an electronic registry of mortgage loan servicing rights and ownership on behalf of the lending industry, is presently addressing the challenging issues associated with foreclosures and mortgage record holding – areas in which Mr. Skalka’s background and knowledge is uniquely suited.

Mr. Skalka received his B.A. degree from C.W. Post College of Long Island University and his J.D. degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law. Upon graduation from law school, Mr. Skalka began his career in the title industry and then went on to private practice; subsequently, reentering the title industry years later.

Mr. Skalka joined Stewart Title in 1988 as the founding president of Stewart Title Insurance Company, domesticated in New York. Shortly thereafter, in the early 1990s, he helped establish Stewart’s operations in Canada and theUnited Kingdom, and then relocated from New York to Houston, in 1993, to serve as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of the Stewart Organization until 2005.

As Stewart continued to seek opportunities outside of the U.S., Mr. Skalka led those efforts by becoming Chairman of Stewart’s International Group in 2005. In 2007, he became the first person outside of the Morris and Stewart families to be appointed President and Managing Director of Global Underwriting Services of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, where he remains a member of its Board of Directors. Mr. Skalka had also helped to lead the National Title Services Division of Stewart since 2009.

With his more than 35 years in the title and real estate industries, Mr. Skalka has established himself as an admired member of the real estate community. He has had the honor to be appointed to the Board of Governors of the American Land Title Association®, as well as to serve upon its various committees; and, is a past President of the New York State Land Title Association.

In the spring of 2007, the Houston Chronicle published a feature article about Mr. Skalka and his international activities on behalf of the Stewart Organization. He also has been quoted in Continental Airlines Magazine concerning the real estate market in Latin America. Mr. Skalka has spoken before numerous bar association, land title asso
ciation, and related industry functions throughout the United States and England and has had articles published by the Bank Lending Institute, the New York Law Journal, the Practicing Law Institute and the National Register of Commercial Real Estate.

This course is approved in each state in the drop down list below. Select your state to enroll in the course approved in your state.

E-Recording Available on Learntitle

E-Recording…Today’s technology to streamline closing processes

E-Recording is a hot topic in the industry right now; especially as the market has slowed and title agents are trying to do more with less and gain competitive advantage.

The presentation will address doing business with digital documents and explain the e-recording process from the title industry perspective. During the presentation, we will review and outline eDocument legislation that permits e-recording both on a federal and state level. We will conclude by discussing the competitive advantages that e-recording brings to title agents specifically.

This course is approved in the following states. Select your state to enroll.

Learning Objectives

Participants will gain a better understanding of the e-recording industry and how to improve their overall workflow.

The education track of this session includes regulatory statutes as well as several facets of business operations. Participants will be able to leave this session empowered with knowledge that will help streamline their post closing process. Benefits of e-recording include:

      • Increased customer satisfaction
      • Improved agent/underwriter relationship
      • Streamlined post-closing workflow
      • Reduced per-transaction costs
      • Fewer file touches
      • More time for business development

About the Presenter

Vicki DiPasquale

Vicki DiPasqualeVicki DiPasquale, has more than 30 years in the title insurance and real estate industry working both with underwriters and agencies in many different states. She consulted on a Freddie Mac e-closing project in 2001 and has been an avid supporter of the e-recording process since its inception. Vicki has a Doctorate degree in Business Management and Organizational Leadership. She has an outstanding record of success in identifying business opportunities, developing strategies and implementing actions to boost business performance. With a focus on technology, Vicki recognizes the importance of innovation as a way to streamline business processes.

This course is approved in the following states. Select your state to enroll.