Tag Archives: CFPB

CFPB Bulletin 2016-02 – Impact on Title Agents

In this new Bulletin, CFPB again reminds Lenders to secure specific documentation from third party service providers, i.e., tile agents. This is a restatement of the same message sent in a 2012 Bulletin. Title agents should be prepared to receive new requests for copies of written internal policies and procedures that demonstrate their ability to protect the lender’s customer’s NPI.


Source: CFPB Bulletin 2016-02 – Impact on Title Agents

Best Practice Training

ALTALT LogogALTA Best Practices mentions “training your employees” 23 times throughout the 7 Workbooks they have published to make sure your title agency is compliant.  Keeping track of all the employees, training modules, and training schedules can be a huge task for some agencies.  Learntitle is here to help.
online coursesNobody has time to take out of there day to get everyone together to go through a training session.  Not a problem.  We will take your training and convert it to online modules so that it will be available on demand.  Learntitle will create a private catalog for your company where the courses will live.  This private catalog will live on www.learntitle.net.  Onlypeople that you decide can have access will have access. No one else will even see the catalog on the website.  Courses can be scheduled and reminders sent when training is due.Learntitle will get your training approved for continuing education so that not only will your employees be getting training required to be compliant but they will also be getting continuing education credits.

Contact Learntitle today for more information admin@learntitle.com