The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it will soon begin writing and testing a simplified mortgage-disclosure form aimed at making it easier for borrowers to compare deals from different lenders.
The bureau expects to award a contract to develop the form by the end of the month, making it one of the first projects of the new agency, according to a bidding document given to vendors in November and reviewed by Bloomberg News.
More concise disclosure is one of the main stated goals of Elizabeth Warren, the Obama administration adviser charged with setting up the agency established by the Dodd-Frank Act. Simpler forms that can be directly compared may make the market less lucrative for lenders such as Bank of America Corporation, Wells Fargo & Company, JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc.
“If buyers are better informed and understand the financial commitments they are entering into, they will be better able to make comparisons among lenders and the market will be more competitive,” said Alex Pollock, a former banker who is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “In competitive markets, profit margins are — and should be — driven down to the level of the cost of capital.”
Academic studies have shown that comparison shopping aided by the emergence of the Internet helped cut prices for consumer products including term life insurance in the 1990s. That squeezed profits, said Edward Graves, an associate professor of insurance at The American College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Lost Margins
“When you see what’s gone on in terms of prices, the insurers have lost a lot of margin in this product,” Graves said in an interview.
Bob Davis, an executive vice president at the American Bankers Association, said short disclosure forms might not simplify the process as much as Warren suggests, because of the “interconnected requirements” imposed by federal law.
“It’s not so simple as creating two pieces of paper,” Davis said in an interview. Bankers agree with Warren’s “starting point,” he said.
Warren has said she would like to see a standard document of one or two pages to replace about 80 percent of the mortgage disclosures mandated by the Truth In Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. The current “pile of papers” confuses consumers and is costly to business, Warren has said.
Smaller community banks might become more competitive with Wall Street if new regulations succeed in reducing costs, Davis added. “The compliance process lends itself to certain scale and big technology solutions,” Davis said.
Mortgage Unit Head
Along with the credit-card division, the new bureau’s mortgage unit may have the most immediate impact on consumer financial services. A candidate to run the mortgage section is Patricia McCoy, a University of Connecticut law professor who has been working with Warren part-time, according to a person briefed on the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter isn’t public.
McCoy, 56, is a former corporate litigator who was a partner at Mayer, Brown & Platt during the savings and loan crisis in the early 1990s. Based in Washington, she represented bank auditors and examined residential loans and underwriting standards. She co-wrote a book published this month on the subprime lending crash.
The contract to create a new disclosure form was advertised to selected vendors in November by the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department, where the consumer bureau is housed until it becomes an independent entity in July. It calls for firms to bid on providing “support services to assist with the design of a model disclosure form, including assessment of the form through consumer testing and revisions to the form resulting from the testing and public comments,” according to the copy obtained by Bloomberg News.
January Contract
Bids had to be in by Dec. 14, and the contract will be awarded before the end of January, according to the proposal document. The vendor must complete the work by Jan. 15, 2012 or a year after the contract is awarded, whichever is earlier.
Dodd-Frank requires the bureau to propose regulations on mortgage disclosures for public comment by July 21, 2012. The bidding document indicates that the bureau intends to move more quickly, saying its goal is to issue proposed regulations “as soon after” July 21, 2011, “as possible.”
The bid request also emphasizes the role of field tests in the bureau’s decision-making, a point Warren raised at a Dec. 6 symposium at Treasury, according to one attendee, Ira Rheingold, executive director of the National Association of Consumer Advocates.
Warren told the audience that “we’re going to be data- driven. We’re going to test things, and figure out what people respond to,” Rheingold said in an interview.
‘Asking a Lot’
Not everyone studying the mortgage industry believes that simpler forms will translate into more comparison shopping by borrowers.
“It’s asking a lot for a piece of paper to change actual consumer behavior,” John Kozup, an associate professor of marketing at Villanova University and director of the Villanova Center for Marketing and Public Policy Research, said in an interview. “It could be a decision aid but that is it.”
Kozup, who also attended the Dec. 6 symposium, said that by the time applicants get a mortgage pre-approval and find a house, they “have a psychological commitment to a certain bank or broker, and no kind of disclosure is going to change that.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Carter Dougherty in Washington at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Lawrence Roberts at
Posted via email from Title Insurance WFG National Title Insurance Company has named Mark Knight senior agency auditor and Keith Nolan as agency auditor. The Williston Financial Group family of title insurers is currently licensed and operating in 37 jurisdictions nationwide. The company is a full-service provider of title insurance and real estate settlement services for lender, commercial and residential transactions nationwide. Knight comes to WFG National Title after spending seven years in a similar position with one of the industry’s largest title insurers. He spent the previous 15 years serving in loss prevention and internal auditing manager positions with a number of firms. Knight has a degree in Business Administration and Management from James Madison University in Virginia, and is a Certified Construction Auditor (CCA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Nolan has been in the real estate services industry for almost 15 years, most recently having served over ten years as a regional auditor for a large national underwriter. He has a Bachelor of Science/Business Administration from the University of Central Florida. With WFG, Knight and Nolan will be responsible for all agency escrow audits. Their focus will be on using effective data reporting and tracking practices to ensure maximum service for and communication with WFG agencies. “Keith and Mark will be living examples of WFG’s dedication to collaborating with and supporting its agency partners,” said WFG National Title Executive Vice President Joseph Drum Esq. “In the current regulatory environment, it is critical that our partners have up-to-date information and guidance, and this will be a major part of the role Keith and Mark play.” For more information, visit Posted via email from Title Insurance ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA–(Marketwire – Jan. 20, 2011) – Title Consulting Services, Inc. DBA Accu Title Agency (PINK SHEETS:TITL) is providing this important update to its followers and shareholders. Title Consulting Services (TITL) intends to acquire or complete a merger on a cash and stock basis with a US based IT web- software-company as a wholly owned secondary subsidiary. Dustin Secor, CEO of TITL said “TITL has a great business in the title services industry. We recently announced our expansion in the insurance sector with licensing rights in 9 States. TITL has a great balance sheet and we have been in business and operating the company for 15 years with consistent revenue in a recovering sector. We are looking to transform TITL into a small conglomerate encompassing real estate and technology sectors and possibly other sectors as opportunities present themselves. We believe that an expansion in the IT industry will deliver just that.” We are working on two different scenarios that will complement one another: Our first intention is to fuse technology with title services. An example of our outlook is to offer iPhone apps for our clients creating a mobile application platform in the Real Estate and Mortgage arena specifically designed for the Apple(R) iPhone(TM), iPod Touch(TM), iPad(TM) and other mobile platforms including the Android(TM) platform developed by Google(R). Chief Marketing Officer, Todd Jewett commented, “This app will be very beneficial and applicable to every Realtors and Mortgage Professionals in the industry. Once finalized, it will be deployed, as a marketing tool to keep the Accu Title brand in front of the decision makers who order title insurance services. The 2nd generation of this app would also have the ability to be private labelled for further distribution by the Realtors and Mortgage Professionals to their individual clients who are buying homes and refinancing their mortgages. In conclusion, the more decision makers we can put our name in front of, the greater the opportunity to grow our market share. Our second intention is an acquisition of an established web-based company and we are currently reviewing several options. We want to acquire a company with revenues that can assist us in our business and industry and can add to our top and bottom line as we have an outlook of becoming a 15 to 20 million-dollar revenue company in the next few years. One of the companies that we are in communication with offers corporate solutions software with a live streaming video, whiteboarding, chat, sharing via webinars, presentation boards, and web conferencing on a web based platform. As the talks progress further TITL will shortly release the name of the targeted merger candidate and other relevant information.” said Secor, CEO. The company will shortly add an IT section to its web site, followed by a launch of a new web site with the technology targeted company products and services. The company intends to provide further updates and details to its followers on a timely basis. Safe Harbor Statement Information in this news release may contain statements about future expectations, plans, prospects or performance of Title Consulting Services, Inc. that constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the Safe Harbor Provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words or phrases “can be”, “expects”, “may affect”, “believed”, “estimate”, “project” and similar words and phrases are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Title Consulting Services, Inc. cautions you that any forward-looking information provided by or on behalf of Title Consulting Services, Inc. is not a guarantee of future performance. None of the information in this press release constitutes or is intended as an offer to sell securities or investment advice of any kind. Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, some of which are beyond Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s control. In addition to those discussed in Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s press releases, public filings, and statements by Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s management, including, but not limited to, Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s estimate of the sufficiency of its existing capital resources, Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s ability to raise additional capital to fund future operations, Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s ability to repay its existing indebtedness, the uncertainties involved in estimating market opportunities, and in identifying contracts which match Title Consulting Services, Inc.’s capability to be awarded contracts. All such forward-looking statements are current only as of the date on which such statements were made. Title Consulting Services, Inc. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. For more information, please contact Investor Relations Posted via email from Title Insurance
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