Category Archives: Title Insurance Issues

Seminars and Courses for Title Agents

Becoming a title agent isn’t difficult to do. However, it does take patience, a willingness to learn, and good courses like the AMS Class Training Seminar taking place in New Jersey. The seminar takes place over a 5-consecutive-day period in March of 2009, and you can choose to participate in the morning or evening course.

This particular course is delivered by the American School of Business and its purpose is to prepare title agent students to take the New Jersey Title Insurance Producers Exam. All students must attend all sessions and receive a score of over 70% on the final exam to receive a certificate of completion.

Students wishing to receive their licenses and become title insurance agents aren’t limited to the upcoming New Jersey seminars, however. Multiple cities and towns in every American state often play host to title agent licensing courses. If you’re looking to finalize your education and finally become a licensed title agent, there’s bound to be a similar course near you.

Continuing Ed for Title Agents

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