Herbert R. Walton has been promoted to the newly created position of Northeast Region Manager for Old Republic National Title Insurance Company (ORNTIC). As Northeast Region Manager, Herb’s area of responsibility will be expanded to include the New York/New Jersey and New England Divisions, in addition to the Mid-Atlantic States he presently oversees. He will continue to work out of the Company’s Wayne, PA, office. Richard Wilson, Senior Vice President for New York/ New Jersey, and Dana Solms, Senior Vice President and New England States Manager, will now report to Herb.
Posted via web from Title Insurance LearnTitle.com has had two new courses approved by the New Jersey Dept of Banking and Insurance. “Judgments, Liens, and Encumbrances” and “Riparian and Other Water Issues in Title” have been approved for 3 credits each, Use the code 10off when you enroll to get 10% the price of enrollment. Posted via web from Title Insurance Need some work on your website? Your cyberpresence.com specializes in websites for title agents. Automated ordering, title premium calculators, common forms, and much more. Use a web design and hosting company that understands your business. Art Oswald 551 404 5341 Posted via email from Title Insurance
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Two new courses approved at LearnTitle.com
Continuing Ed for Title Agents
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