Category Archives: Main

US insurer Fidelity National to offshore more work to India


Chennai, Oct 5 (IANS) Spotting an opportunity to cut its costs by around 30 percent with increased productivity, US-based insurer Fidelity National Title Group Inc has decided to scale up its business process outsourcing (BPO) and software development activities in India.

The company had set up its captive BPO company Fidelity National Financial India in Bangalore three years back.

The $4.6 million revenue Fidelity National Financial India has around 800 employees searching and confirming property titles in the US for its insurance parent.

‘We will be increasing the headcount by 1,000 to 1,800 starting next year for our BPO operations so that we can shift work like accounts payable, legal operations here. We are also planning to expand the software development team here,’ Senior Vice President Andy Giddings told IANS.

According to him, the insurer has decided to develop software for its core title insurance business back home out of India in May and formed a small team of 25 people.

‘We will be expanding that team by adding 100 more software engineers during the first quarter of the next year. We have around 15 different software applications and we expect the number to go down with the development of integrated programmes,’ Giddings said.

Posted via email from Title Insurance
Continuing Ed for Title Agents

Is A 90 Day “Mortgage Meltdown” Foreclosure Moratorium Imminent As The RoboSigning Scandal Goes Mainstream?

Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Oct 5, 2010

The Massive Mortgage Mess as we affectionately call it seems to be getting new names with each passing day – the latest one is, quite appropriately, RoboSigning Scandal (funny how after the stock market, “robotic” technology will soon becoming equated with the biggest mortgage scam in history). During today’s Kudlow segment, CNBC’s Diana Ollick who is by and far the company’s best (and only) investigative reporter, confirms various so far unfounded rumors, that the government is planning to institute a 90 day foreclosure moratorium as it deals with the realization of just how big and pervasive the mortgage problem is, and even worse, will soon be. It is so bad that even a typically ebullient Larry Kudlow is forced to note that this is the “housing equivalent of the credit financial meltdown” and that “this is going to go on for ever.” The biggest issue that is now developing, as we noted last week, is the fact that title insurers (firms such as Fidelity National, First American, Stewart Info and Old Republic) are refusing to insure mortgages in foreclosure or otherwise, uncertain as to who actually owns the title. And for all those who believe this will merely keep prices artificially high, we have very bad news – the problem with the title insurers walking away on fears of lawsuits is that no lender will be willing to write a mortgage without title insurance, meaning that suddenly the up-front component of home purchases will either necessarily have to surge, or home prices will have to plunge by a like amount, as there is simply not enough equity (read money) to cover the resulting debt deficiency. Alas, this mess is just starting, and as people realize how bad it is, it very well may lead to a total collapse in the housing market.

Posted via email from Title Insurance
Continuing Ed for Title Agents

Top 10 Closer Mistakes. #9 Guaranteeing the Reputation of Others